Cheryl Ellis

Yoga Teacher

Cheryl is a Senior Yoga Teacher with Yoga Medicine and a YM Registered Therapeutic Specialist. She started practising yoga almost 20 years ago, which eventually blossomed into a passion for teaching. After years of dedicated practice, she completed Zenways Yoga Teacher's Training under Zen master Daizan Skinner and continued to train in Yin Yoga with Teachers Norman Blair and Sarah Lo.

She has since completed her 300hr Advanced level training with Yoga Medicine, covering modules in Orthopaedic Injury (Hip, Spine and Shoulder), Myofascial Release, Women's Health, Mental Health, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Meditation.  

Weekly Classes
Mondays 10:30 – 11:30 am

Tel: 07736 838 894 - Email:

candida meyrick